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Boycott Help

Boycott Targets Credible sources suggest that these brands help Israel in the killing of Palestinians, and the destruction of peoples and nature in many other countries. You may not be able to boycott all of them totally. For instance, I say ‘boycott Google’ but share this on a google hosted blog. This is not ‘ironic’ or whatever else the haters would dismiss it as, but of necessity, at the moment. We give them as little of our money and support as we can. So just do your best. Every little bit adds up to a greater good. The main companies to boycott are listed on the BDS website, here The graphic at the top of this article, which is lifted from their website, should help as a reference. Below is my personal boycott list of companies that aid Israel and the misery it causes our world. Feel free to either PDF or screenshot the list below, or refer to this article whenever you need to (I'll update it with

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