True Focus - Ukraine

I made a PDF book of highlights of my early pinhole photography work. It's 80 pages long and apart from a short opening essay, is all pictures. Any money you wish to pay for it, please pay it directly to charities and NGO's working in Ukraine. I'm not going to suggest a minimum, or maximum, price, but I would ask you pay something for it. If you already know of an organisation you'd like to donate to, please do that. If you're unsure, there are some ideas within This Article by Global Citizen. I'd suggest giving the humanitarian charities a thought.

The article will open in a new window. Once you've donated to the organisation of your choice, please come back to this page and download the book here - TRUE FOCUS DOWNLOAD

Notes; If you have any issues with the download, email me on and I can send it through via email.

I considered doing this as an Ebook, but they can't be as widely viewed as PDF's can. Also, whilst the page resizing that Ebook's offer can be helpful for written books, for photographic books I'm not sure it matters. 

I would advise that you download the book to your PC or laptop, and then click the 'Page View' button, then 'Two Page', and then 'Show cover page seperately'. That way you'll get the feel of the book layout. 

I hope you enjoy the book. If you do, please pass word of it around. Thanks.

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