Pelee Paintings #1

Pelee National Park in southern Ontario is one of my favourite places. It's comparable to Cahuita NP, or Hacienda Baru, and even the Drakes Bay coast south to Corcovado (all of which are in Costa Rica), insomuch as there's ample wildlife, beaches, and forest trails, you have a feeling of utter safety, and apart from during the height of summer or the second week of May (which is peak birdwatching season) there's never a great amount of people around. We've just returned from watching the Monarch migration there, during which we also canoed and I took photos with a mind to turn them into paintings. This is the first of the paintings, it shows my view as we canoed the Tiessen Channel. We'd never canoed there before and had no plans to this time, but as we viewed the marsh that morning at sunrise it looked so beautiful...

...that we decided that if the wind was favourable later in the day, we'd rent a canoe from the Pelee Wings shop at the water's edge and give it a go. 

We encountered much wildlife as we paddled, shown in the painting are a Beaver and a Bald Eagle. They were based on these photos that I took. 

We also drifted past birds such as this Cormorant, Sora, and Great Blue Heron.
I hope you enjoyed the painting, and the story behind it. Next I'll be painting the Heron. If you like my work and would like to buy, or commission me to paint another nature scene, do get in touch via email - Thanks. 

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